In the face of our present existential crossroads, this not-so-lyrical journey’s gonna take a whole lot longer. For obvious reasons, and with a heavy heart, we’ve decided to postpone our upcoming launches: the triple pamphlet launch at Good Press (17th) and issue #10 MILLENNIUM MEGABUS at The Poetry Club (25th). After careful consideration, we make these decisions in solidarity with those who are self-isolating because of Covid-19 and with general concern for public health in mind. Pamphlets by Anjeli Caderamanpulle, T. Person and Hannah Read will still be officially available from Tuesday 17th, so we do encourage you to order and support poets(!) as we’ll be shipping as normal for the foreseeable, as we can.
The launch of issue #10 is delayed until further notice (even the megabus can’t glide through THIS hyperobject). We’re hoping to share some audio readings of our season #3 spamphleteers for you to enjoy from home. We’ll also amp up our online content and post some fresh reviews & other content to keep you occupied in ~limbo~. We fully intend to reschedule these events as soon as it’s safe and appropriate to do so. For now, take care of each other, wash yr hands, remember the internet is a SOCIAL UTILITY (+ we’ve loved it fr years) — use it to stay in touch, share goodwill, support artists. Stay lovely. xx