While we wait for ‘thousands’ of Lepore’s Bakery branches to pop up all over the country – – SPAM is delighted to introduce an unmissable business proposal: ‘Make Me Money & Don’t Piss me Off’ a poetry anthology about, for, and by The Apprentice, edited by Denise Bonetti, Alex Marsh & Max Parnell.
All investors will receive professional insight from Samuel Brzeski, Anjeli Caderamanpulle, Julieta Caldas, Louise Evans, Catherine Madden, Alex George, Ruthie Kennedy, Brian Latimer, Grace Linden, Emma Mackilligin, Saskia McCracken, Torkel Tennberg, & Meredith Grace Thompson.
Barriers to entry are notoriously low, as is on-brand for the SPAM conglomerate: get yourself a 44pp. copy for 3GBP here.